To inquire about availability, contact the Booking Coordinator at 202-290-2328. with questions or by emailing Please note that requested dates are not held until a rental contract is in place.
Yes. After you’ve submitted a rental request form, the Booking Coordinator will send you a rental estimate. Once you’ve approved your estimate, a rental contract is made. Upon execution of the rental contract a 25% non-refundable deposit is due to secure the space.
Please call the Playhouse at 202-290-2328 to make an appointment.
Anacostia Playhouse’s resident organization, Theater Alliance, is the primary renter of our space and has first choice on dates for the theater season, which runs September through August. We do not open the calendar until early spring prior to the next season (e.g., for rentals August 2020 – September 2021, open dates will become available February – March 2020).
Yes. The Playhouse has been used for a variety of events, e.g., receptions, screenings, and meetings, as well as special events and fundraisers.
No. Sound and light board operators and front-of-house staff are not included in your rental. If you need staffing for your production or event we can provide a list of qualified technicians, production, and front-of-house staff. You are responsible for all set up, security, operation and clean up for your rental.
Yes. Anacostia Playhouse’s Black Box Theater is equipped with lighting and sound systems. You may also bring in additional equipment for use during your event at no extra charge. We do ask that all added equipment be approved by our production manager. For rentals during the run of a mainstage production, lighting and speaker placement is limited to what is in place by the main producing company.
We have a projector on site. We do not have a screen at this time.
Yes. Our Black Box Theater is located at street level. We have handicap accessible restrooms in the lobby. However, we do not have an elevator to access the rental rehearsal room located above the lobby.
Yes. All rentals must have liability insurance.
No. We do not offer alternatives other than renting the space at the listed prices. We do offer a reduced rate for non-profit organizations, with proof of 501(c)3 status.
We will list your event with a photo, dates/times, description, links to more information and ticket purchasing, etc., on our website. You may leave literature about your event in the lobby prior to the event.
Yes. We accept credit cards via Square, checks, or money orders.
Yes. You may sell wrapped unopened concessions (candy, cookies, e.g.) at ticketed events at no additional cost. There is no food preparation on site. A refrigerator is available in the box office.
No, we do not have a caterer.
Anacostia Playhouse is not licensed to sell alcohol at this time.
Anacostia Playhouse is Metro (Green Line) & Metro bus (90, 92, B6, and the Circulator) accessible. There is ample street parking and a fenced, paid parking lot open 24/7 1.5 blocks away.